November 1-30, 2018 - Colder Weather and Thanksgiving
November has brought a definite change here at the London Temple. By the end of the month, most of the leaves were off the trees and warm weather was just a memory. We didn't do much traveling so most of our photos were of the Temple grounds.
Stunning sunrise during our morning walk around the temple. |
Looking from the front doors of the Temple on the flower beds. |
Looking towards the front Temple doors (which are not used - the main entrance is on the north side which is on the right in the picture) and the flower beds. |
The reflecting ponds and the Temple which shows most of the leaves are gone from the trees. |
The long table for our Thanksgiving celebration which was held on Monday, November 19 which is our P-Day. Our Canadian colleagues had celebrated in October and our British colleagues celebrated with us even though there's no Thanksgiving holiday in the UK. |
Another shot of the table and everyone visiting before dinner. |
The Thanksgiving table from the other direction. We had about 50 all totaled. |
Elder Burkinshaw's plate for Thanksgiving. Note the yams with apple slices that was a big hit along with turkey, stuffing, potatoes and gravy, corn and veggies with dip along with a cup of nuts, M&Ms and other goodies. When there was room on the plate, Elder Burkinshaw also had some broccoli salad. |
Of course it's not Thanksgiving without dessert. Elder Burkinshaw's plate included coconut cream pie, apple pie, trifle, jam roly-poly and Eton mess. It was delicious! |
The Addlestone Ward, where we are assigned to attend church on Sunday - about 45 minute drive up the M25 or London Orbital Motorway, has two Brazilian families and on Sunday, November 25, we were invited to a dinner of Estroganoffe de Frango (chicken strogonoff) by the family of Sam and Jaqueline Minamioka and their daughter Juliet. Also attending was the family of Gustavo and Zaide Ribeiro and their son Heitor and our Sister Missionaries, Sister Radford and Sister Zimmerman.
We had a great time and got to speak Portuguese and Elder Burkinshaw even got to tell some of his favorite jokes in Portuguese! And of course we spoke of missionary work in the ward and what we could do to move the work along.
Heitor, Zaide and Gustavo Ribeiro, Sam, Jaquie and Juliett Minamioka and Sisters Radford and Zimmerman at the Minamioka's home for estrogonoffe de frango! |
A group selfie at Sunday dinner with the Minamioka's. |
D&C 59:21 teaches us that "And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things..."
Conversely, we learn that "He who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious" (D&C 78:19)
We are very grateful for the blessings of a wonderful family, children and grandchildren who love the Lord and serve him and for our opportunity to serve and learn and grow here in the London Temple!
Elder and Sister Burkinshaw
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